Creative Essay

On the final day 

"The woman and her rifle"

   This story goes back to 1848. In the town “fair village” there was a woman with her rifle. She was the most confident and fearless woman in town. She was the protector of women. 

One night in town, a woman named Mireya hears a voice screaming for help.


And then the voice stopped. Mireya with a sleepy face got up from her bed trying to wake up. Something strange happened. She was completely sure that she had heard something, but she was confused because the voice had stopped. She stood still to see if she would hear it again and then the cries of despair returned. And she walked out of her room into the living room to try to address where the screaming was coming from. She made sure there was no noise in her house, which would be weird since she lived alone, and then she went out to see what was happening. 

She was in shock, she couldn't believe what happened in the village. She saw a woman being beaten, she tried to defend the woman and she yelled at the man.

-Why are you doing that? She is a woman? Stopp

The man completely ignored her and continued to hurt the woman. She is trying to get help and the other man in town did nothing. They agreed with what was happening. She heard a man comment.

"She asked for it by not doing what her husband told her to do"


EXCUSE ME!! She yelled at him. You are defending his actions. What kind of man are you?

Mireya couldn't get help from the man from the village, she was furious. She saw the woman's face and ran back to her house.

She says - If the man did not do anything, I will. 

At that moment she remembered something nostalgic. When her father died, he gave her his most precious object. A rifle, with that rifle, she learned how to use it and hunt. And she remembered his father's last words to her. 

"Use this arm to protect yourself and protect others" 

She ran and took the arm and came back to where the man was beating up his wife and she yelled. 


 The other man yelled that she had a gun. The man stopped just to tell her. "I bet you that you don't know how to use it". She looks at him and says, Let me try them. and she shoots the gun. The bullet went past the man. 

And she said oooh let me try again, this time I will do it right.

 The men were surprised how a woman knew how to use a gun. And who is she to use it against us?

Mireya looked at the man and said, "I don't want any trouble, I'm just not going to let you kill this woman."

The man stopped and he whispered to the woman, "You won't get away with it."

Everybody left and the woman passed out. Mireya tried to take the woman to her house but could not because the woman was heavy. The other woman in the town saw that and went to help. They take her to Mireya's house. The women of the town were scared. They were scared that something like that happened to them. Mireya says to them if we support each other we will survive. Don't worry!!.

The other day, the whole town was talking about what had happened. All the men were angry at the fact that a woman had a gun and used it against them. The woman survived, she was frightened. Her whole body was injured and she could not stand up. Mireya let her stay in her house and helped her for a few days. The woman was grateful to Mireya and she decided to go to her cousin's house to continue recovering.

For that time Mireya had received threatening letters from men and hateful comments. Mireya decided to leave town for a few days to practice hunting and get better with the rifle. She went to the mountain alone and she practiced every day. She taught herself to be the best. Her motivation is that she will come back to her town and she will protect all the women in there. 

When she returned to the town she met the woman again she had saved. The woman began to tell her all the horrible things that had happened in town. She got angry and had an idea. She wants to create a group, for all the horrible moments that the woman lived. A movement arises in which women will never feel alone or scared. All her life Mireya always saved everyone and she worried about everyone else and not her. In the end, she felt the most alone, she didn’t have a family that cared for her.

Everyone saw Mireya as a strong, solitary, and brave woman, but in reality, she was just a normal, frail woman trying to survive the injustice of man. she had enough of all the bad treatment that men gave women and she did something about it. She helps, motivates, and guides the women of the village. All the women respected and admired her, they knew that she would help and defend them. Mireya was independent and she became the strongest woman over time her rifle became her best friend. All her life Mireya helped the woman of the town and she did not help herself. She had no one. Do not misunderstand me. The woman's love and respect stayed with her, but in the end, Mireya was alone. On the last day, she was just "The woman and her rifle."


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